Platform to showcase
developer’s work

Problem Statement

Provide a design solution for developers to share their code and help them to collaborate with other developers across the world. While considering these use-cases:

Case 1: Developers should be able to create their code snippet and upload it to the platform

Case 2: Need admin approval for better reach

Case 3: Identify a way to engage the contributors so that the platform grows in a healthier way.

User Persona

Design Brief

Build an engaging platform where the developers could share their code snippets and showcase their work to the world. It should also function as an online code editor and open-source learning environment where they can test their code snippets.


How to monetise the platform?

While building any B2C company, if the core product/service cannot be monetised, you have to find ways to generate new revenue to sustain the business.

Building products with no proper business plan is an expensive hobby.

How to get user engagement on the platform? What is the benefit for them?

Community oriented platform like forums, social networking or in our case a platform to showcase & discover code are all human attention dependent businesses. So there has to be a catch in it for them to actually engage with the product.

Feature Discovery Process

We can address the provided use cases for the MVP, by taking the ideal user persona’s motivation’s into account:

  • Gaining expertise

  • Showing value

MVP Objective

  • Upload code snippet(s)

  • Discover code snippet(s)

  • Ranking code snippet based on engagement metrics

  • Engage the contributors for the platforms growth

Use Case 1: Upload Code Snippets

Being the core feature of the platform, we have to understand how the developers currently work on a regular basis to provide a seamless experience for uploading their work to the platform.

  • They want to showcase their existing work which they have stored

    • In a file on their computer (or) cloud

    • on Github

  • Create their code snippet to deliver secure and performant code

To achieve this, developers could

  • Upload - Uploading through file explorer (or) dropping files

  • Import from Github - By providing the URL of the repository

  • Build - Using the platform as an IDE

Use Case 2: Admin Approval for better reach

Human mind is wired to be competitive.

We are going to monetise our platform on the basis of this psychological principle by introducing a featured section which will has a curated set of Snip(s). And to be featured on that, it can either be based on their

  • Engagement metric

  • Snip’s submitted to be featured

Developers could submit their Snip’s to be featured and receive awards such as

  • Snip of the Day

  • Honorable Mention

  • Snip of the Month

and also will be in the running to win the prestigious Snip of the Year.

Snip Submission is the way the platform is going to be initially monetised. New users, would have 1 free submission credit, and they can either choose to purchase credits on a need basis (or) subscribe to the platform on a monthly (or) yearly plan.

How Snip Submission works?

Your snip will be reviewed and voted on by our international jury, made up of some of the best designers, developers and agencies worldwide.

Use Case 3: Engage the contributors for the platforms growth

Snipscore is a metric to evaluate the engagement of the developer(s) on the platform.

Snipscore above certain levels would reduce submission cost to be featured & it would increase the chances of snip(s) appearing on the top of the feed.

How Snipscore works?

It increases with each Snip you post and when others interact with your Snip(s). 10 Points - For each Snip posted 3 Points - When other individual(s) interact with your Snip

Final Design Document

Prototype Document